Organisation: Kansanvalistusseura (Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation)
Dates: 17 November 2017
Venue: Paasitorni, Helsinki, Finland
Target audience: National and local policy-makers, European policy-makers, adult education practitioners
Description: The conference “Diversity in Adult Education” will present good practice examples from Europe on how to reach and integrate migrants in adult education. The aim of the conference is also to highlight the importance of inclusion in adult education, especially from the point of view of migrants and refugees coming to Finland and Europe. The conference takes an innovative “think and do” approach to its theme of integration: we seek commitments from local decision-makers to experiment with at least one good practice presented at the conference. The policy makers, administrators and NGO representatives will thus commit to promote more functional pathways for migrants into work and learning.
More information:
- Contact helka.repo(a)